Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lemon Seedlings

I've been wanting to add a lemon tree to our plant family but haven't been able to find any at our local garden centers. So, the cats and I decided to grow our own. Several weeks ago we planted seeds from several lemons in a pot. And, now we have discovered that we have an entire pot full of small lemon trees. Our projects for today will include repotting these small seedlings into individual containers. Although we're in the South, we're actually too far north for temps to stay high enough for the trees to remain outside during the winter, so we plan to grow them in containers to keep them safe during cool weather. Some of the seeds are just now breaking through the ground, but one group is ready to be moved to larger, individual pots to give them more room. So, yesterday we purchased our miracle potting mix and have our new pots ready. Smudge thinks we can move the baby seedlings without hurting any, but he's much better at finding bugs than actually doing garden work. But, nevertheless, it's a
go for today. We'll report later on our success...or heaven forbid, any disasters.

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